Christian Seelos Zero Problem_Podcast.mp4 About Me

About me

Snapshot of the various professional stations of my journey so far.

Bio, CV, awards, special section on Iraq...



Various streams of research in the natural and social sciences from molecular biology to social entrepre-neurship. Papers, cases, books...



Educational competencies in the managerial sciences from competitive strategy, international business to sustainable development...



Things I can do to support achieving your organizational or individual objectives. Custom research, training, strategy and innovation consulting, executive coaching..

Various streams of research in the natural and social sciences from molecular biology to social entrepre-neurship. Papers, cases, books...

Nominated for the 2017 thinkers50 award

Recipient of the Terry McAdam Book Award 2017 for “the most inspirational and useful new book contributing to nonprofit management“

Recipient of the 2018 Academy of Management ONE award for “best book 2015-2017 on organizations and the natural environment“

Recipient of the 2019 Virginia A. Hodgkinson Research Book Prize, by ARNOVA and Independent Sector

No one understands the delicate balance between innovation and scale better than Christian Seelos and Johanna Mair. Their new book is equally rigorous and dynamic, illuminating the way forward for all of us on the frontlines of social change. — Darren Walker, President, the Ford Foundation

New research: Healthy Context -Zero Problem Philanthropy

                                                                click below for Podcast:

                                                                                                           click here for Podcast:

2019 Outstanding Social Innovation Thought Leader awarded by the World Economic Forum and the Schwab Foundation

Zero Problem_Podcast.mp3